Kitchen Secret #3: Kitchen Layout | The Selling Cycle - The Kitchen Designer sales plan
The Selling Cycle - The Kitchen Designer sales plan The selling cycle basically means ‘what the designer is trained to do by the kitchen company in order to obtain the best opportunity of a sale’. This means that a lot of what the designer does while at your house is pre-determined. When starting to work on behalf of a kitchen company, prospective designers generally undergo one week of intensive training. Most trainees haven’t even worked in the same industry before. So what are kitchen designers trained to do? Step 1: Be Prepared The first thing they are taught is to be like a scout… be prepared! This involves establishing the correct image. They need to make sure that they look like a professional designer when they leave their own house. The also need to make sure that they are going to arrive at your house at the correct time – probably early and wait round the corner. They also need to have a good idea of what to expect when they knock on your door, so the office will have alrea